Frustrated by the lack of opportunity to get our music ‘out there’ we set up smallCogMUSIC to do this.
Originally just for CDs recorded by ex-Amazing Blondel singer songwriter Eddie Baird as a means to get his solo works out to his fans across the world.
It was a chance meeting with Chris Cooper at a charity event that the idea to widen the scope to include other artists began. We began working together and the success of our EP ‘Harbour’ and the subsequent album of the same name encouraged us to branch out and include other artists such as Murphy’s Law, Ebbatson Baird and Flying Shears.
Others, such as Ramble Gamble, Carillion and Momma’s Days Are Done asked us to place their work online to sell directly or to stream via Spotify, Amazon, iTunes and all the other streaming and retail providers.
Now we are once again expanding and have started recording and producing outside artists and new releases from Momma’s Days Are Done, Ramble Gamble, Marc Miranda and the very talented folk musician Kirsty Hannah are the result. We have collaborated with other labels such as Epona Records in Manchester in remastering albums for re-release and released a book by Eddie Baird and have had our music showcased on WHPC in New York!
We now have over 40 items for sale in our shop, covering CDs, downloads (many free!), T-shirts and books with many more to come and also sell tickets for many events we are involved with.
We have new releases coming up next year including some special anniversary albums!
Check us out, join our Mailing List for many free downloads and news, and follow us on Twitter @smallcogmusic and Instagram and support local original talent! We also have an ever-expanding collection of videos from our artists and more! – just search for ‘smallcogmusic’ on Youtube!
Darryl – smallCogMUSIC