

Ebbatson Baird new CD released!

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The long-awaited follow-up to ‘Bare Facts’, ‘Doors’ sees Eddie Baird and Darryl Ebbatson teaming up once again to bring another slice of finely crafted pop to the table! The 10 tracks cover all styles from the upbeat and jangly ‘What’ to the sublime ‘Neverending Blue’ and including the duos 1st[…]

An Indie Kinda Christmas! – 4th December 2016

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Following the success of last year’s Christmas event at Cafe Indie, we are having another festive soiree and you’re all invited!! Expect mulled wine, mince pies, craft stalls, artist stalls, vintage & retro stalls and gifts galore! A digitally-challenged Chris Cooper and Darryl Ebbatson will be playing along with Ramble[…]

BBC Radio Humberside – Live from Cafe Indie!

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We are very humbled to be included in this rather amazing event that is happening in our hometown of Scunthorpe. Tune in to Humberside radio or join us at Cafe indiependent on 28/10/16. We will be playing a live lounge performing a track from the new album ‘The Glorious Sins’[…]