

Mo Ogg – The Bard of Coleby

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SmallCogMUSIC has been involved in a project with Folk ‘Round ‘Ere for 3 years now are we are delighted it’s finally ready! Lincolnshire songs and tunes collected by the late Maurice (Mo) Ogg of Coleby have been recorded by traditional singers from the North Lincolnshire area. A unique collection which[…]

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Steel Town Punks - Cafe INDIE

Steel Town Punks!

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Coming up we have a gig hosted by Collaborate and Listen and Unite the Union, aiming to bring together punks to Save Our Steel, raising awareness of the threat to this vital Scunthorpe industry. There are 7 bands, a market and retro games, & free entry for Unite members  The[…]

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Kings @ 10 years old!

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10 years ago today we desended on Café INDIE with an army of artists, musicians and gig goers to launch our first official album; Kings Of Contradition. It was an amazing night of music, art and plenty of beer! We had so many amazing artists, the legends that are Murphy[…]

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