

Kenopsia again!

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All subscribers to our mailing list currently have access to a free copy of the latest ChrisCooperBand album ‘Kenopsia‘ but we have also been asked to make it available on Streaming services so, from 25th August it will be available on all the popular ones – Spotify, iTunes, Amazon etc.[…]

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Another BBC Intro for Disorganised Fiction!

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Another radio play for the ChrisCooperBand track ‘Disorganised Fiction’ – this time BBC Introducing Humberside on the Alan Raw Show! Thanks to Alan and if you’d like to listen to the programme go to BBC iPlayer or the link HERE on BBC Sounds. Don’t forget, if you’re registered on our[…]

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CCB BBC Introducing Lincolnshire Logo

CCB on BBC Intro Lincs!

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Check out #bbclincsintro on BBC Radio Lincolnshire on the iPlayer where you can hear ChrisCooperBands new track ‘Walking with the Dead’ from the new studio album ‘KENOPSIA’ which is released today (7th June 2021) as a free download on SmallCogMUSIC when you sign up to the mailing list! Thank you #hannaahfletcher for giving them a shout out!! For[…]

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CCB Kenopsia album cover

‘Kenopsia’ soon!

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‘Kenopsia’ – the new album from ChrisCooperBand which has been 2 years in the making is finally released on 7th June 2021. The album will be made available as a free download to all smallcogmusic Mailing List subscribers! Join our mailing list for your free copy! If you prefer CD’s[…]

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