

Nick Akester recording at SmallCOG

Momma’s Days Are Recording!

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SmallCog Studios welcomed Momma’s Days Are Done today for a little bit of recording! Nick, Tom, Matt & Chris Cooper popped down the start of a track which should be available shortly! Keep an ear open!

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Come for a coffee & CCB!

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Come to Costa Coffee at the Parishes in Scunthorpe on the 12th March to see ChrisCooperBand perform tracks from their forthcoming album! Raising money for the Costa Foundation which helps support coffee growing communities around the world, this event also features special guests Nick Akester and Tom Pogson. A special[…]

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Folk Night at Cafe Indie!

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A great night was had by all at the Folk Night held at Cafe Indie on Friday 12th Dec with Nick Akester and Ramble Gamble! Lots of new songs by all there! Thanks to Kathleen Duval for the great photos!  

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