

Welcome to our new site!

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Welcome to the new smallcogMUSIC website! – We thought it was about time for a spring clean!       There are a number of big changes ahead! We’re completely renewing the shop with new product and easier ways of buying and listening to the tracks. We’ll also be offering[…]

ChrisCooperBand band shot

We need you!

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If you’re free on Tuesday 14th January 2014 at 10am come down to the Lincoln Imp, Scunthorpe and join us for our music video shoot with KnowMedia! We hope as many of you can make it so we can get some good crowd shots! The video will be aired exclusively[…]

Jaz Cafe Bar, Hull

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After an absence of over a year, Chris, Darryl and Gav from ChrisCooperBand performed a relaxed gig at the Jaz Cafe Bar in Hull on Tuesday playing songs rarely heard these days including obscure unrecorded tracks such as ‘Remnants’ along with classics from the Harbour album such as  ‘Streets’ and[…]